Create Again – The First Step

Human life here on Earth is nothing but a series of trying to create again.

As young children were often told we can be whatever we want to be. I was once that little girl who believed it. Maybe with the exception of a couple of things some asshole told me I couldn’t do. But, little did I know, that dream would frazzle, be thought of again, fade, be thought of again, again and again.

Our lives venture into many different paths until the day the road dead ends, or becomes a dirt path. It’s inevitable, and if you’ve never experienced that, you’re one lucky f*ck, so please share your secrets! (Sorry, I’ll keep it light.)

Life, for us real people, can change in a matter of moments.  We lose a job, a loved one becomes terminally ill or dies, a child is born with a disability, are all examples of things that happen every day to us all. It can all but destroy any comfort in your life you once may have had.

The continual thought process of despair can reek havoc on a healthy mind. Repeat defeats, ultimately leads us to believe it will never get better. It’s like Groundhog day, and we just become idle. Eventually we run out of fuel and fade away.

We believe we can not create again or that starting over is out of our reach.

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a United States-based suicide prevention network of over 160 crisis centers that provides 24/7 service via a toll-free hotline with the number 1-800-273-8255. It is available to anyone in suicidal crisis or emotional distress.

Typically, we slowly torture ourselves swallowing down our problems by drinking, numbing the pain with busyness, gaming, porn, mindlessly eating and/or zombifying on social media. They are all the bi-product and symptoms of avoidance of pain.  #socialzombie

Don’t forget about anger. Ah.. anger, here’s a post all about that here. Bitterness is a root cause of why we don’t allow ourselves to move forward and begin again. Ego and spite rob us of the opportunity to create again.

We never allow ourselves to feel pain and really sit in it. We knowingly consent to absorb it walk away, with the hopes it will go away with time.

A bad memory may soothe it a little, but it’s still there, hiding behind that Amazon shopping spree you just made, or in having so much frustration you cant think clearly. Or worse, that berating session you recently handed your child or some stranger on the street.

When you feel you’ve reached a breaking point, the only thing left to do is create yourself again or re-create some aspect of our lives.  We have to renew and rethink our strategy.

Yes, we must. I’ve experienced the lowest of lows as well, and I’m here to tell you if some poor Mississippian can do it, you can! Not to put my myself down or even degrade what’s going on in your life, but I get it. We all face shit that’s hard to deal with. And when you’ve been on a long binge of defeat, it can seem impossible to rise above.

Please just try a few of the following and let’s turn this shit train around shall we?

The first approach to create yourself again, is taking time for ourselves. I don’t mean a vacation. Just 5 to 10 min a day. Take a second to breathe. You need to come first in this aspect. Not being vigilant with time for yourself in a reflective manner can change the perspective of even the worst sufferers of self-esteem.

So sit, be open to your inner thoughts. In other words, meditate. No need for crazy postures or attire. You can do this while sitting or lying down. I like to do meditation when I’m walking. It always turns my foul moods around and lets me process all of my emotions.

Reflect and envision what you’d like to experience for the day. In doing this, it will help with intense moments that will arise during the day. Especially in the heat of the moment. Stop. Listen, ask yourself why am I really reacting this way?

We have to take the time for ourselves and reflect. Be with those thoughts of pain, and understand they are REAL, and they are stemming from something.

Do this quietly or without demands and you will begin to see those negative thoughts, as just thoughts. Thoughts and memories will pop up. if you listen closely. You may even begin to identify why you are feeling a certain way.

On the contrary, unwanted thoughts can consume us and can creep our your every day life. After you identify the thought or the pain, don’t mark it as bad, and suppress it.

Just be with yourself quietly and breathe. Be present, no matter how much it hurts, then allow yourself to let it go.  Your past and your emotional thoughts are not what define you!

As thoughts arise, acknowledge it as a thought, allow yourself a minute or two to process it. Just as easily as it flew in, let it float away. Refocus on the breath. Repeat.

Creating yourself again starts by just 2-4 minutes a day of meditation and gradually build yourself up every day. Also meditate anytime you’re feeling overwhelmed. Deep breaths and being present. Master this, and all else will feel trivial.

Make an effort to train your subconscious mind with repetitive affirmations to understand some things were out of your control. And remember…

Sometimes we may never know the reason why things happen. Don’t try and understand someone else’s thoughts. Especially if they are deep seeded painful experiences from childhood that were opposed onto your delicate growing molding mind.

Psychologists show that the brain is still developing all the way up until the age of 24. So please allow yourself to let go of any demands and memories you had as a precious child.

As your thought patterns change, you will start to heal. This is the first step to create yourself again.

See the next step here.

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